Master Orator

Portal # 3

4: 1.25-Hour Sessions

Maybe you were bullied when you were younger because your bright intelligence frightened you silenced your voice. Perhaps something so unspeakably violating happened but you had the courage to speak up only to experience the consequence of being shut you silenced your voice. Maybe you don't know why you're afraid to pursue those exciting speaking, singing, acting, etc opportunities. Whatever your reason, throat chakra activation is imperative for every Star Seed to actualize your Divinity Codes and manifest the powerful magic of your infinite being.


Ignite My Alchemy Portal #3

”Body shaming is a real practice in my family. Even though they know it hurts me and they see my tears, they simply say "we mean nothing by it. We're just joking around." Fatima, I did not give myself the opportunity to do so many things because I harbored ridicule and accepted it as my truth. I'm a Star Seed and I know it now! And, oh how I love this body! Thank you dear one."

- Ivory

”If you ever heard about the boy who wet his pants in front of everyone because of nervousness, then you'd know, that was me. I held on to that embarassment for so long and it nearly killed me. I can't believe how much power I have given human beings. It is so freeing to know the unlimited powers of being a Star Seed. I'm not afraid of anything anymore...much less speaking publicly."

- Malik

Star Seeds of Portal # 3: Oracle

”I remember the day I lost my voice. My favorite teacher asked me a question and I answered it wrong. I was so surprised to hear my teacher say out loud, in front of everyone "do you belong in this class, Ellie? How did you get into this section?” That level of humiliation made me feel stupid and unworthy. It is so important to remember who you really are. My voice is fully resurrected, thanks to your Star Seed Blueprint Fatima."

- Sariyah

¨Stick to science. You were not meant to sing Langston is what my dear partner told me. Fatima, I did not think I'd ever be able to cure myself of the poison that had killed my desire to sing. Star Seed confidence is on a whole other level. I'm on top of the world because of you!"

- Sparkle

man taking selfie outdoors
man taking selfie outdoors
smiling woman wearing turban
smiling woman wearing turban
woman wearing gold crown and gold crown
woman wearing gold crown and gold crown

Questions, Star Seed?

Do you still have questions like, which Portal is right for me? Book a 30-minute consultation and find out what your Soul is asking of you, Star Seed? For responses to general questions like, do you offer in-person or customized services? Please use the contact form below to submit your inquiry.